
Kansas is flat, and straight, and plain, and boring. Or at least that’s what you’ve been told by, well, anyone who has ever driven through Kansas. There are a few major cities, of course, including Wichita and Topeka. There are a couple fun college towns, too—Lawrence, which hosts the University of Kansas, and the so-called
Broadway reviews are important. After the opening night of a show, the cast and crew must wait patiently until, one by one, papers begin to release their thoughts. Generally, potential ticket-buyers use reviews to decide what to see and what to skip. But in some cases, musicals that people go crazy for have been panned
In a world dominated by digital entertainment, the Rubik’s Cube remains a testament to the appeal of tactile puzzles. Created in 1974 by Ernő Rubik, a Hungarian architect and professor, to help students grasp spatial relationships, this puzzle quickly went from an educational tool to a global sensation. Beyond its well-known history and the hours
I think we can all agree that workout advice is kind of all over the place. How many reps? How many sets? What muscles should I be working? It’s definitely enough to make your head spin. But there are certainly a few fads in the exercise world that I think we can all agree are
If you’re a paranormal thrill-seeker, get ready to dive into Ghost Adventures’ spookiest, most spine-chilling episodes. Get your ghost-hunting gear ready, and prepare for some goosebumps as we count down ten episodes guaranteed to give you the heebie-jeebies long after the credits roll. Note: Season and episode numbers are according to Max subscriptions as of
The ticking of the clock may seem constant, but the human mind is easily influenced. Under certain conditions, time can speed up, slow down, or vanish altogether. Recent studies took a deep dive into the strange pool that is “time,” and the results were fascinating. From the bizarre reason why time flies for older adults
In a world teeming with innovation and knowledge, there exists a shadowy realm of ideas so potent they send shivers down the spine of humanity. These are not just mere thoughts or hypotheses; they are profound contemplations that challenge our deepest fears, ethics, and the very fabric of our existence. From the technological terrors of
Sleep may not be the highest priority on most people’s to-do lists, often coming second to work or leisure. However, people might need to rethink putting sleep on the back burner. According to experts, individuals above the age of 18 require a minimum of seven hours of sleep to be healthy, and many adults are
Science fiction, one of the most popular forms of entertainment, is filled with extraordinary inventions. From time machines and starships to androids and warp drives, there is no end to the astonishing inventions and fantastic feats of engineering conjured up by artists and writers. Starting in the 19th century with Mary Shelley’s Dr. Frankenstein, fictional
Journalists always try to get it right. It’s in the job description, after all. They are supposed to report on the news, tell the public what happened, and keep their readers or viewers informed about what is going on in the world when it comes to their beat—be it local politics, national politics, crime, or
Delve into the underworld as we unveil the shadows of history’s most notorious gangs. From the operations of the Medellín Cartel to the Aryan Brotherhood, these ten criminal gangs have shaped narratives of power, crime, and intrigue. Related: 10 Criminal Groups That Were Founded With Good Intentions 10 Hells Angels The Hells Angels: the name
In a world where innovation intersects with tradition, the art of papermaking undergoes a curious transformation, venturing beyond the realm of conventional wood pulp to embrace a collection of the most unexpected materials. This evolution speaks to the creativity and ingenuity of humans, constantly redefining the boundaries of what is possible. Among these new frontiers
Adopting green practices is crucial in a world worried about sustainability. But among the sea of eco-friendly tips, which ones truly impact the environment? Here are ten green practices that actually make a difference, helping you reduce your carbon footprint and preserve our planet. Related: 10 Environmentally Friendly NASA Spinoffs 10 Compost Composting is a