Month: December 2023

There’s not really a fun way to die. But that doesn’t mean that some deaths aren’t more disgusting than others. And looking back in time, people have found some very creative and nauseating ways to end someone’s life. Today, we’re diving into the shadowy depths of history to uncover ten jaw-droppingly gruesome deaths that will
Over the last couple of decades, superhero and comic book-based movies have saturated the film industry. From high-powered superheroes like Superman and Captain America to independent comic book crime fighters like Kick-Ass, audiences flock to comic book-based films. Comics and graphic novels that make it to the silver screen aren’t reserved solely for superheroes; films
It’s never too late to begin. You’ve heard the adage before. Whether it was from your mother encouraging you to get your school homework done before bed or whether it was someone heading headfirst into a midlife crisis by shopping around for a motorcycle that might boost their coolness factor. In a world telling us
Today, America is known as the country of note when it comes to consumer choice. Americans have an absolutely incredible amount of products available at their fingertips every moment and infrastructure in place to quickly get a lot of things they cannot find locally. However, there are some drawbacks to this convenience as well. To
Insects are everywhere. They are the most diverse group of creatures on the planet, with over 900,000 species identified and named. This represents around 80% of all the animal species that have been discovered. In terms of sheer numbers and mass, insects are overwhelmingly the dominant lifeforms on Earth. It is thought that insects evolved
Method acting has been in vogue since Marlon Brando first mumbled his way through Stanley Kowalski’s lines in Elia Kazan’s 1951 adaptation of A Streetcar Named Desire. But while many of the greats have tried their hand at truly becoming their characters, some actors have taken it to new extremes. A select few have taken
Happiness, heartburn, and even heart disease can all be effects of pizza, but when the anthropologist Agehananda Bharati first mentioned “the pizza effect” in 1970, he did not mean anything caused by eating it. The iconic Italian food’s history was an example of a pattern he had observed where something unimportant in one culture becomes
Everyone is afraid of something, and many fears and phobias are common among pretty much all human beings. In fact, if you aren’t at least a little freaked out by things like heights, spiders, snakes, or public speaking, people may actually think that you are rather strange. However, sometimes, due to cultural differences, phobias develop