Month: February 2024

In the wild, we expect to see animals exhibit a wide array of behaviors—hunting, foraging, displays of social interaction, and defending their territory—all of which are crucial for survival. However, even domesticated animals share similar biological and behavioral traits with wild animals, such as the need for food, water, and shelter, seeking protection from predators,
In the world of music, drummers seldom get the recognition they deserve. Vocalists and lead guitarists, front and center, usually steal the spotlight from their percussive partners—the poor, forgotten bassists and drummers. Yet these last two are crucial elements in musical composition, and their importance cannot be overlooked. There have been some truly amazing drummers
“Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” –Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus” (1883) And come they did in their millions from across the ocean, seeking to enter the golden door Lady
These days, we accept that films can achieve the impossible, and rarely are we surprised by anything we see on-screen, attributing it to clever camerawork, judicious editing, practical effects, and computer-generated imagery. But sometimes, whether they need to or not, certain actors and directors insist on going all the way, shooting some pretty surprising, and
There are plenty of old mysteries out there that we will almost assuredly never solve. It’s not that we don’t want to or anything; it’s just that in many cases, notable old mysteries and creepy, long-forgotten unexplained events simply happened too far in the past for us to investigate properly. With events decades or centuries
Throughout history, the realms of newspaper and television reporting have been predominantly dominated by men, with their bylines and voices shaping the narratives that reached the public. From the early days of print journalism to the advent of televised news, men were primarily the ones tasked with writing articles and presenting stories on air. Women,
Music and comedy may seem like completely different art forms, but they have some important things in common, such as their reliance on timing and rhythm. It is also surprising how many famous comedians, like the banjo-playing Steve Martin, have found success in music as well. These 10 wacky comics have also made their mark
If you’re a fan of the paranormal, you’ll love exploring the haunted places in Kansas. Known as the “Sunflower State,” Kansas is home to a variety of eerie locations that are said to be haunted by ghosts and other supernatural entities. From grand hotels to historic homes, there are plenty of places to visit for
It is not hyperbole to say that when Star Wars hit theaters in 1977, it changed cinema history forever. But while it may have seemed to have arrived from a galaxy far, far away, director George Lucas drew inspiration for his universe from multiple sources, including history, mythology, theology, and, as we will explore here,
Situated within the rugged expanse of the Rocky Mountains lies Rocky Mountain National Park, a beloved tourist destination. Since its establishment in 1915, an unknown number of individuals have disappeared in the area. From seasoned adventurers to novice explorers, a select few have ventured into the park’s depths only to meet tragic fates, their stories
Prison and prison life remain a fascinating subject for us law abiders. We all know the anecdotal (and likely terrible advice) handed out to people new to the clink: fight the biggest guy and assert dominance, watch yourself in the showers, etc. Women’s prisons, while more of an unknown, have crept into the public eye
Mark Twain once said, “A lie can spread halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” In the days of the internet, we could modify this to “a lie can spread several times around the world—and become ingrained fact—before the truth even wakes up and rubs its bleary eyes.” This
The law allows people to change their names, maybe to give such people a sense of self-fulfillment or to make life better. We may never know the real reason behind this privilege; however, what we do know is that some people have abused it and seized the opportunity to make extremely bizarre legal name changes.
Neanderthals have been extinct for millennia, but roughly 1 to 4% of their DNA live on in modern Eurasian populations. This is not a rare case—long-gone species continue to echo in many modern creatures. Thanks to the miracle of evolution and inheritance, the ghosts of the cave bear, auroch, and several mysterious ancestors still walk
Welcome to the era of breaking curses instead of merely complaining about them. Gone are the days of being shackled by generational woes. We’re shaking off the cobwebs of outdated stereotypes and carving our own paths. In this list, we’re diving into the top ten generational curses Millennials are gleefully shattering. So grab your cold