Month: April 2024

Journalists always try to get it right. It’s in the job description, after all. They are supposed to report on the news, tell the public what happened, and keep their readers or viewers informed about what is going on in the world when it comes to their beat—be it local politics, national politics, crime, or
Delve into the underworld as we unveil the shadows of history’s most notorious gangs. From the operations of the Medellín Cartel to the Aryan Brotherhood, these ten criminal gangs have shaped narratives of power, crime, and intrigue. Related: 10 Criminal Groups That Were Founded With Good Intentions 10 Hells Angels The Hells Angels: the name
In a world where innovation intersects with tradition, the art of papermaking undergoes a curious transformation, venturing beyond the realm of conventional wood pulp to embrace a collection of the most unexpected materials. This evolution speaks to the creativity and ingenuity of humans, constantly redefining the boundaries of what is possible. Among these new frontiers
Adopting green practices is crucial in a world worried about sustainability. But among the sea of eco-friendly tips, which ones truly impact the environment? Here are ten green practices that actually make a difference, helping you reduce your carbon footprint and preserve our planet. Related: 10 Environmentally Friendly NASA Spinoffs 10 Compost Composting is a
Tattoos. Getting something inked permanently on your body is a major commitment. Body art can be incredible to behold. It can be poignant, and it can be funny. Sometimes, it’s the embarrassing, often-regretted reminder of a wild drunken night. But sometimes, tattoos have fascinating scientific and historical meanings. Tattoos found on ancient Egyptian mummies or
Discover the emotional rollercoaster of Pixar’s finest moments, where joy, tears, and nostalgia collide. From unlikely friendships to tearful farewells, Pixar has crafted scenes that tug at our heartstrings. Reminisce and celebrate the magic of animation with these ten heartwarming moments in Pixar films. Related: Top 10 Easter Eggs Hidden in Disney Movies 10 Coco:
Alabama is a state with a rich history and deep-rooted traditions, and it’s no surprise that it’s home to many stories and legends of ghostly hauntings. From haunted antebellum homes to creepy cemeteries and eerie asylums, the Yellowhammer State has no shortage of haunted places to explore. For those interested in the paranormal, Alabama offers
Explore the spiritual wonders that surpass time and culture. From ancient temples to towering cathedrals, this list captures the devotion of civilizations worldwide, offering insight into the connection between faith and architecture. Here are the top ten religious architectural marvels. Related: 10 Amazing Ancient Buildings Still In Use Today 10 Temple of Hatshepsut, Egypt Within
Movies transport us to mythical worlds, spark our imagination, and even tease our taste buds. While we’re often fascinated by the characters, plots, and settings, food takes center stage in a few cinematic moments. Join me on a gastronomic journey as we explore ten weird foods inspired by some of your favorite movies. Related: 10
From sadness to joy to chopping onions, all kinds of things can make people tear up. And while most consider their tears to be nothing more than salty water to be wiped away, some curious folk collect them instead. For the most part, they are the usual suspects: scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs—people who are naturally
Most tombstones today are dull affairs. If we are lucky, they will have our name on them and the bare facts of our lives. This usually only includes that we were born on such-and-such a day and died—hopefully after a suitably long period—on another date. Not much for future wanderers through graveyards to consider. The
Every decade and every generation has its own fair share of musicians and bands. The 1990s were not left out, from grunge to industrial to hip-hop and more. Every band also had the freedom to name itself, and most found inspiration in one thing or another. That inspiration then led the musicians to choose their