Month: March 2024

Shape-changing is one of the coolest powers/abilities ever conceived. Writers of comics, novels, TV, and movies have imagined creative ways for one person to look just like another. From mutant powers to alien beings, there has been a veritable cornucopia of changelings, duplicators, and polymorphism throughout the annuls of fiction. These beings appear as people
There’s something oddly comforting about watching your favorite TV “cops” bring in a perp for questioning. But not all police dramas are of the same caliber. Grab your popcorn and prepare for a lineup of the ten best police shows ever aired. From gripping mysteries to heart-pounding action, these series have handcuffed our attention and
The lore surrounding leprechauns may have originated in Ireland. Still, whenever March rolls around in the United States, there seem to be little redheaded men wearing green all over the place. St. Patrick’s Day is obviously a huge holiday—and a big excuse to party—for many Americans. And it’s the one day every year when you
The universe is so full of crazy happenings that it barely even registers when we read of exploding stars, planet-pinging asteroids, or black holes turning planets into spaghetti. However, the following discoveries are so violent, odd, or beyond the bounds of human experience and understanding that they’re almost incomprehensible. Related: Top 10 Disturbing Secrets About
Whether we like it or not, bras are a part of many people’s everyday lives! In fact, 50% of the world’s population is women, so at least that many have to deal with them at some point in their lives. Shopping for these articles of clothing may be difficult, but once you get the hang
Unfortunately, disagreements are an all too common part of life, be it a simple misunderstanding, difference in beliefs, or a personal grievance. For example, married couples may find themselves at odds over financial decisions, household chores, or personal habits. Parents and children may argue over curfews, academic performance, or bad behavior. However, disputes may also
Depending on your personal proclivities, geography was either the best or worst subject for you in school. It seems like there are very few in-betweens with that. Kids growing up either love studying geography and have a feel for where everything fits on a map, or they hate it and have horrible memories of the
Spying and leaks of classified intelligence seem to go hand in hand. Not all the movies on this list were well-received by reviewers. However, each of them shows what’s at stake when classified information is revealed and, often, what motivates someone to reveal such material in the first place. Related: Top 10 Blockbuster Movie Scenes
The brain is an incredible thing. There are all sorts of wild and wonderful things happening up there in the cranium. The realm of neuroscience is a fascinating one, with researchers uncovering more about the brain by the day. The intricate inner workings of the mind are still a mystery. But each new discovery—whether that
Dive into the lesser-known corners of the Olympics, where the spotlight isn’t as bright, but the excitement is just as intense. While swimming and gymnastics steal the show, a whole world of Olympic sports is waiting to be explored. From the lightning-fast thrills of roller speed skating to the jaw-dropping moves of breakdancing, these sports